Emma Colbert, Founder and President of Safe Haven international Ministries, Inc. SHIM – “Linda Harrington is a woman after God’s heart. She is passionate to see the Body of Christ discover and bring clarity to their gifts and purpose. Linda carries a strong gift of discernment to help unlock potential and liberates treasures buried deep within each life. Linda is an instructor at SHIM Leadership Development Institute where she teaches on the Office of the Prophet. She is also one of our Board Members who stands in the Office of the Prophet for Safe Haven International Ministries bringing direction, clarity and balance to the ministry. I highly recommend Linda to any ministry or person to explore this phenomenal ministry gift from God to the Body of Christ”.
Os Hillman, President Market Place Leaders, TGIF Today God is First, and Change Agent, Atlanta, GA – “As a Christian leader I have come to value certain relationships I can trust and also open myself up to hear what God might want to say to me through them. I am very particular about who I give freedom to do that. Linda Harrington is one such person I have come to trust and allow such input into my life. I appreciate her integrity and sensitivity to the leading of God in how she imparts to others. I highly recommend Linda and her ministry.”
Dr. Lance Wallnau, Lance Learning Group, Dallas, TX – “Linda is a master teacher who sees the hidden potential in people, liberating what she sees, releasing people to the big picture within them. She finds the treasure within people, putting handles on the treasure, so the deep things surface bringing healing to wounds and clarity to issues that set people free.”
Carolyn Sissom, Pastor Eastgate Ministry, Inc., Houston, TX – “I am writing this as a commendation of Linda Harrington to my friends in the ministry. Linda ministered twice for us last year. She has a keen and seasoned Gift of Prophecy. She stands in the Office of Prophetic Teacher. Her ministry Clarity Keys is based in Georgia. She and her ministry team train and equip people in the prophetic giftings. She also ministers in personal prophecy. I commend her as a Lady of Quality. She ministers the Gifts of the Spirit through the Fruit of the Spirit. We are in a season of an unprecedented “push” of people going into ministry. Some are in self-promotion. Yet, in the midst of this “push”, God has “chosen” through His sovereignty of “election” vessels of honor. May I commend to you, Linda Harrington, who I believe the Lord has set into ministry.”
Nongolo Muteto, Royal Concepts Ministries, Jungle Bee Media Productions, Smart Moves for Smart People Market Place Ministries, Atlanta, GA – “Linda Harrington is a woman of substance and faith. Having had the privilege of being in her company in ministry I can truly say she is a woman after God’s heart. She walks in integrity and exudes a spirit of excellence and grace. I firmly believe she is one of the end time generals that God is raising up to equip the church for great exploits. Linda has one of the best teachings on the prophetic and I would encourage anybody who wants learn more about this gift to avail themselves to this class.”
Howard and Karen Jackson, Pastors Our Fellowship Christian Church, Houston, TX – “Linda Harrington, is professional, she is an asset anywhere in God’s Kingdom. Linda visited Our Fellowship Christian Church, the words she delivered were accurate, encouraging and exhorted the vision, God has for members. Linda is a blessing to be around and a servant of our Most High God.”
James and Esther Sartor, Eagles Oasis International, Houston, TX – “God is releasing one of His daughters, Linda Harrington, with a fresh voice and Word of Prophecy for the season. The School of Life in the Spirit has brought forth a seasoned voice to encourage the Body of Christ and all people groups. Her delivery is such that she can speak a word to the saved or unsaved person. She speaks under the anointing a word from God that is made practical and can be applied to everyday life. She has greatly blessed people all over the Houston area and has such a welcome attendance when she comes to our city. We highly recommend her as of woman of God that will enrich any church, ministry or group.”
Susan Harris, His Vanguard Ministries, Houston, TX – “I have enjoyed attending two of Linda Harrington’s meetings in the Houston area. I have not been previously privileged to experience this Prophet/Teacher from Atlanta. I was deeply impressed by her compassionate and gentle prophetic ministry, released with razor-sharp accuracy. You hear the heart of an anointed teacher intertwining nuggets of wisdom together with powerful prophetic words.”
Xcentric Executive Leadership Team, Alpharetta, GA – “Very thankful for their time, I feel like it was what we needed to come back to center. I entered a skeptic and left assured.” “I was both disappointed and excited at the same time. Disappointed that I wasn’t there physically to participate, but excited that my absence gave more validity to the supernatural gifts given to this team. It was very exciting to hear what God had to say through a group bestowed with Spiritual Gifts like prophecy and discernment. I have been more in prayer in regards to my professional life since the retreat I also feel more of a sense of direction as a whole and how I can personally be a part of that direction.” “I started out very skeptic, almost defiant. I was amazed by the specificity of their prayers for me. The hard things for me to hear were the exact things I needed to hear. God has continued to pursue that prayer time to speak very clearly to me about several things in my life. I am very grateful for their time and prayers.” “From a team perspective, the prayer provided a new-enhanced understanding of our roles and a better, more cohesive way to work together.” “I was very skeptical about the whole deal going into it. I didn’t really know what to think, but once they were finished, I was certainly amazed. God is God and He finds new ways to show that every day.” “It was good stuff.” “What a huge blessing and pleasant surprise to experience that with all of you. I’m grateful we did it and have expectations for our next leadership retreat now…”
Os Hillman, President Market Place Leaders, TGIF Today God is First, and Change Agent, Atlanta, GA – “As a Christian leader I have come to value certain relationships I can trust and also open myself up to hear what God might want to say to me through them. I am very particular about who I give freedom to do that. Linda Harrington is one such person I have come to trust and allow such input into my life. I appreciate her integrity and sensitivity to the leading of God in how she imparts to others. I highly recommend Linda and her ministry.”
Dr. Lance Wallnau, Lance Learning Group, Dallas, TX – “Linda is a master teacher who sees the hidden potential in people, liberating what she sees, releasing people to the big picture within them. She finds the treasure within people, putting handles on the treasure, so the deep things surface bringing healing to wounds and clarity to issues that set people free.”
Carolyn Sissom, Pastor Eastgate Ministry, Inc., Houston, TX – “I am writing this as a commendation of Linda Harrington to my friends in the ministry. Linda ministered twice for us last year. She has a keen and seasoned Gift of Prophecy. She stands in the Office of Prophetic Teacher. Her ministry Clarity Keys is based in Georgia. She and her ministry team train and equip people in the prophetic giftings. She also ministers in personal prophecy. I commend her as a Lady of Quality. She ministers the Gifts of the Spirit through the Fruit of the Spirit. We are in a season of an unprecedented “push” of people going into ministry. Some are in self-promotion. Yet, in the midst of this “push”, God has “chosen” through His sovereignty of “election” vessels of honor. May I commend to you, Linda Harrington, who I believe the Lord has set into ministry.”
Nongolo Muteto, Royal Concepts Ministries, Jungle Bee Media Productions, Smart Moves for Smart People Market Place Ministries, Atlanta, GA – “Linda Harrington is a woman of substance and faith. Having had the privilege of being in her company in ministry I can truly say she is a woman after God’s heart. She walks in integrity and exudes a spirit of excellence and grace. I firmly believe she is one of the end time generals that God is raising up to equip the church for great exploits. Linda has one of the best teachings on the prophetic and I would encourage anybody who wants learn more about this gift to avail themselves to this class.”
Howard and Karen Jackson, Pastors Our Fellowship Christian Church, Houston, TX – “Linda Harrington, is professional, she is an asset anywhere in God’s Kingdom. Linda visited Our Fellowship Christian Church, the words she delivered were accurate, encouraging and exhorted the vision, God has for members. Linda is a blessing to be around and a servant of our Most High God.”
James and Esther Sartor, Eagles Oasis International, Houston, TX – “God is releasing one of His daughters, Linda Harrington, with a fresh voice and Word of Prophecy for the season. The School of Life in the Spirit has brought forth a seasoned voice to encourage the Body of Christ and all people groups. Her delivery is such that she can speak a word to the saved or unsaved person. She speaks under the anointing a word from God that is made practical and can be applied to everyday life. She has greatly blessed people all over the Houston area and has such a welcome attendance when she comes to our city. We highly recommend her as of woman of God that will enrich any church, ministry or group.”
Susan Harris, His Vanguard Ministries, Houston, TX – “I have enjoyed attending two of Linda Harrington’s meetings in the Houston area. I have not been previously privileged to experience this Prophet/Teacher from Atlanta. I was deeply impressed by her compassionate and gentle prophetic ministry, released with razor-sharp accuracy. You hear the heart of an anointed teacher intertwining nuggets of wisdom together with powerful prophetic words.”
Xcentric Executive Leadership Team, Alpharetta, GA – “Very thankful for their time, I feel like it was what we needed to come back to center. I entered a skeptic and left assured.” “I was both disappointed and excited at the same time. Disappointed that I wasn’t there physically to participate, but excited that my absence gave more validity to the supernatural gifts given to this team. It was very exciting to hear what God had to say through a group bestowed with Spiritual Gifts like prophecy and discernment. I have been more in prayer in regards to my professional life since the retreat I also feel more of a sense of direction as a whole and how I can personally be a part of that direction.” “I started out very skeptic, almost defiant. I was amazed by the specificity of their prayers for me. The hard things for me to hear were the exact things I needed to hear. God has continued to pursue that prayer time to speak very clearly to me about several things in my life. I am very grateful for their time and prayers.” “From a team perspective, the prayer provided a new-enhanced understanding of our roles and a better, more cohesive way to work together.” “I was very skeptical about the whole deal going into it. I didn’t really know what to think, but once they were finished, I was certainly amazed. God is God and He finds new ways to show that every day.” “It was good stuff.” “What a huge blessing and pleasant surprise to experience that with all of you. I’m grateful we did it and have expectations for our next leadership retreat now…”