We will see a continuation of the Lord bringing us full circle. It is a time to stand, speak His words and see His spoken word established. It is a year of the clashing of two swords, one a sword of light and the other of darkness or falseness. The words of heaven will be spoken on earth as it is in heaven. There is an invasion of the words of heaven coming in us and through us in. We will stand and be established according to His words. It will not be by the words we have heard, but by the words, we speak.
Many have pondered within their hearts words spoken, but this will be a season of speaking words into reality. As Mary pondered the words in her heart, the Word became flesh. We have held the words of the Lord deep within our hearts. Transition is now as we are in a place where words must become our reality. His Word lives within us and is alive forever. We are to live and move and have our being in Him. He has come, He desires fully to come and His word to us is to become flesh through our spoken words. He has called us to have more than words; we are to have Him, the Living Word abiding within. His word is alive. As we speak His words, they will become alive within our reality, our life and us. Those things we desire that He has promised will become a reality as we declare and speak them into existence, for He will give us the desires of our heart. The sword of His word will clash with the words of darkness, false words and words, which do not produce life. He is calling us to life and life more abundantly. He is giving us His creative word. From our belly will flow rivers of living water; living water brings forth life. We produce after our own kind life produces life. Our words are to bring forth life, produce life and life more abundantly. The words of heaven, which have echoed within our spirits, are to be spoken by us. Many are the things we have longed to for, desired, and hoped to see. Longing and desire will not bring them forth. We are to enter into His rest and speak His words. Many are the souls of those who are weary in well doing. It will not be well doing that brings forth His plans. His purposes in the earth will be established as it was in the beginning. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. All things come into being by Him, and Apart From Him, nothing can come into being. In Him was life and the life was the light of men and light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend. John 1: 1-5 Then God said, “Let there be light and there was light.” Genesis 1:3 Laboring in well doing did not establish the earth or lay the foundations of the deep. Light came into darkness by His word. His word, which was with Him in the beginning, dwells within us. It is Christ in us the Hope of Glory. His light shines in the midst of darkness. We are to understand and know that we will not see the promises established by power or might, only by His Spirit and His word, which abides deep within. Laboring in vain will only cause us to become weary in well doing. We are to cease from our labors and come into a place of rest, abiding in Him. Rest in My promises for all I desire and all I have promised will be established in the earth as you speak. Let your words come forth as a sword of light in the midst of darkness. Arise shine, for the Glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Isaiah 60:1 My word is a light saber in your mouth. Wield it at my direction and you will see mountains brought low. Speak My word. Within your mouth is the power to declare your destiny in the earth. Let your light shine for it will overcome darkness. You will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you and light will shine on all your ways. Job 22:28 Arise shine, for the Glory of the Lord has risen. In the glory, the presence of My abiding within you, all false words – the false swords that battle against My purposes – will come down.
Darkness surrounded a very large bonfire with people camping, fellowshipping, eating, dancing and celebrating around the fire. There were a great number of silver swords standing with their tips in the ground surrounding the people. It was though there were all types of creatures drawn to the people, but they didn’t seem to notice the fire. These swords were actually people. Snakes were coming out from the fire and the swords picked them up and threw them back into the fire where they were consumed. Others were speared with the swords; as the sword pinned their heads to the ground they disappeared.
The people who had become the swords had the ability to see the snakes. There were people close to the edge of the darkness had snakes, deception attached to them. Many of the swords developed eyes and they very carefully began to separate the snakes from the people. The people who had been separated from the snakes drew closer and closer to the fire. The closer they came to the fire the fewer creatures there were surrounding them. It was when the people were drawn to step into the fire that they transformed in to flaming silver sword. Rejoice for this is a time and a season to live, move, and have your being in Me. I am the Joy of your Salvation. My desire is to manifest Myself within you that you might be strong in the power of My might. You are to know Me in the fullness of My resurrected power and walk in the knowledge of My authority with your lives, your spheres of influence and then begin to stretch out your borders and become an influence that brings the healing, restoring and delivering power of My might.
Many time you will not answers and sometimes you will not even know the right questions to ask. Bring your concerns to Me even when you don’t have language to express what is in your heart. I am able and I am capable of understanding that which you don’t understand. You are to rest in the assurance that when you have called upon Me I hear and I answer. The delays you have experienced do not mean I have not heard nor does it mean that I am not answering – it means you are to stand. Lean not to your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge Me. I will be with you in all things. Do not look for answers in your circumstances, but look to Me in all things. Look up and I will show you great and mighty things – those things I’ve created within you that you do not understand will cause you to know that I am at work to establish My good pleasure in you. Today is the day of salvation and I stand at the door and knock for I desire to come in with the fullness of My presence. My desire is to come with the fullness of My joy and be your strength. I desire to come to you and be the God of Peace, ruling and reigning in your life. Put yourself in remembrance of the good things and forget those things that have hindered and held you back. Allow Me to show you those things I desire to change, look not to your own understanding for you don’t know what you have need of, but I know that which you need before you know and I will answer you in the hiding place of My presence. Trust in Me, rest in Me and I will bring rejoicing, releasing My peace and My joy which will give you the strength to enter in and possess all that I have promised. Rejoice in Me and you will see My promises fulfilled. Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I will say, rejoice! Let your forbearing spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things. The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in Me, practice these things; and the God of peace shall be with you. Philippians 4:4-9 We are to live and move and have our being in Him. His desire is to live and have His being within us, His Holy tabernacle in the earth. Under the Old Covenant He gave very specific instructions for the building of the tabernacle. He changes not; even under grace, He still has details, specific instructions for building and inhabiting His temple, the place of His dwelling. God desires to meet with us in the Holy Place, that which is created and made according to His instructions.
Many have lived their lives around gifts and callings. Gifts and callings are those things, which originated in the heart of God and He gave to us. His desire is to receive from us those things that originate from within our heart – worship, adoration and reverence for Him. The Fruit of the Spirit, as it is produced in our lives will become a living demonstration of His abiding presence. He says our gift will make room for us. Once room is made, we are to become a representative or a demonstration of His abiding presence. His presence enables the Fruit of the Spirit to grow and reproduce in our lives. Many times, we fall into using His gifts to demonstrate His presence. Gifts are given for the building of His Body. We are not to be known by our gifts, by the Fruit and our love for one another. It is possible to move in the gifts and not have love. Love is the bouquet or aroma of the combination of the fruits and gifts in our lives. There are times when to walk in the Fruit of the Spirit is a sacrifice of praise, especially during this season. He came into the earth, even though no room was made for Him. We celebrate this season of His birth, but many times, we make no room for Him. We become so caught up in our own plans, family, church or relationships we have no room in our daily lives for Him. We fall into the trap of saying after I do this…, when I finish…, the next thing on my list… He promises to come with His abiding presence, but how many times has He come and there has been no room. We sing our songs with our friends, spend time with family and He comes and we make no room for Him. How many times has He come into our church services, when we were gathered in His name but He found no room? His desire is to be in the midst of us. He desires room in our life. His desire is to have a dwelling place in the earth for Him to live, move, and have His being. He stands at the door of our heart and knocks, asking, “Will you make room, right now, this very moment?” He desires to come in with His full salvation, His presence today and find room within our hearts. He desires to have the fullness of His being – a living, manifesting demonstrating presence that will show forth His glory in the earth. We desire the power and the authority; we long to see signs and wonders. He’s asking today, if you hear My voice to open and let Me come in. The old has passed away. I have washed away the old a little here and a little there. You are training in how to walk in this My new day. Walk; step forward in my resurrection into the newness of My power. Put away your old ways of seeking Me. Put away your familiar ways with Me. It is a new day and you shall now behold Me face to face. You will see My glory as the fullness of the noonday sun. The light of My presence will fill you and expose those things, which have held you captive, keeping you from experiencing all that I’ve done.
This day, I require you to seek Me in a new way not because I have changed, but because I am the God of times and seasons. It is a new day, a new season and a new time to seek Me. Those things that have been acceptable practice will no longer be common among you for I have tried and tested you. Your faith has been proven and your endurance tested. Today is a day of newness, newness in My presence, in My word, and My moving in you. It is a new season. In My resurrected power, you will experience a newness of My presence. As you step into the new, the old things will fall away. To step into the new you must leave the old behind. Keep pressing forward one-step, one day at a time. The past is dead and offers nothing of benefit to you in this new season. There is no new life to come from those things that are of the past – life only comes from My presence, My Spirit. My life dwells within you. Step into the fullness of My life and you will see My glory. You will see those things you have desired. Leave the old behind and rise to the new with Me and establish My glory, My presence wherever you go. I say it is time – a time and a season for all I have spoken and promised to become in you that which you have only dared to dream. My Kingdom has come and is yet coming. I will use you in the establishment of My purposes in the earth. Know that I am not moving in the ways of the past, but in a new way. If you continue to return to the old things, you will not see that which I am doing in the new. Put away your old methods – the old ways, even though you know they will work, they will not accomplish that which I desire for this time and this season. This is a time and a season that My presence will be made known. I will reveal Myself to you in ways you’ve not previously known. Do not look back with longing to the old days for there is no life in the old for this season; they were but for a time and a season, today is a new day, a new time and a new season. The clock said 3:35 a.m. and Isaiah 35:3 came to my mind, I’ve learned to write this down and if sleep doesn’t come easy get up and read.
Encourage the exhausted, and strengthen the feeble. Say to those with anxious heart, “Take courage, fear not. Behold, your God will come with vengeance; the recompense of God will come, but He will save you.” Then the eyes of the blind will be opened, and the ears of the deaf will be unstopped. Isaiah 35:3-5 Many are anxious of heart and life has become an existence, as there is no real life or joy within oneself. I will come into your lives restoring your joy and fullness. My joy will be your strength for many of you have had your joy – strength stolen. You are to be encouraged and strengthened, for I am coming on your behalf. I will open your eyes and open your closed ears. You will know the Joy of the Lord; you will be strong in the power of My might. You will no longer be a victim. You will no longer be tossed back and forth by every word spoken by those around you. You will be like a tree planted by the river of living water. You will be deeply rooted and planted in Me and you will surely see My goodness in the land of the living. You will know My joy and you will be known as joyful ones. You will be known as one who has My wisdom; wisdom beyond your years and wisdom beyond what the world can comprehend. You will be the precious pearl born out of adversity and irritation. You will be one who will shines forth My glory and reflect the light of My presence. Know there is a “suddenly” on your horizon. My word, My living word from within your belly will come forth in the dry and parched places of your soul. You will come forth as holy unto Me; you shall be holy as I am holy. There shall be a separation the holy and from that which is profane. You will find that your enemy is no longer to be roaming about in your life and within your sphere of influence for in My presence, there is fullness of joy. Know that the enemy trembles before My joyful ones. You will walk in the place of My power and that which was stolen and robbed from you in seasons past. My joy will crowd out all sorrow. Your days of disappointment will be of those things only remembered. You will know they have fled away and I have arisen in your life. I am breaking forth with My life, My joy and My strength in a newness you have not experienced. Come to My river and taste of My goodness in the land of the living; then you shall not only know of My goodness but you will live in My goodness. Then the lame will leap like a deer, and the tongue of the dumb will shout for joy. For waters will break forth in the wilderness and streams in the Arabah. And the scorched land will become a pool, and the thirsty ground springs of water; in the haunt of jackals, its resting place, grass becomes reeds and rushes. And a highway will be there, a roadway, and it will be called the Highway of Holiness. The unclean will not travel on it, but it will be for him who walks that way, and fools will not wander on it. No lion will be there, nor will any vicious beast go up on it; these will not be found there. But the redeemed will walk there, and the ransomed of the LORD will return, and come with joyful shouting to Zion, with everlasting joy upon their heads. They will find gladness and joy, and sorrow and sighing will flee away. Isaiah 35: 6-10 There are times when we have snow, sleet, ice and extreme cold temperatures in the winter. We know this is not a permanent situation. We have knowledge of the established weather patterns for our area, because we can call to remembrance history, we know our current condition is only temporary. It is passing, but during the present, it has many far- reaching effects. We dress warmer, turn up the thermostat, sometimes limit our travel, businesses, schools and churches close, we are affected by the immediate conditions, but even after the weather has passed there will be effects. We may have stayed home more, having a direct effect on our grocery bills, also grocery stores and restaurants. Children possibly will have a snow day from school, which later is to be made up later after the snowball fights and the snowmen are long forgotten. We adjust our heat to be more comfortable, but when the bill comes due we may have forgotten the unusually cold weather and ask ourselves why is the bill higher than usual. Those who live in the north have a different plan; those who live in the south have a different summer plan or life style. We have a plan, which for the most part works as long as there are no unexpected changes.
The Lord is invading our lives and our plans with His presence. May times His presence has immediate effects and at other times there is the long-term or ripple effect, such as throwing a pebble into a pond. When the ripples touch us, we may have forgotten the original incident that set things in motion. The consistent theme is one of new beginnings, new doors, new gates and also a new gait, a new way of walking. Through it, we begin to walk in a new way. In order to enter into the new we are consistently brought back to some of the old. We experienced some hardship, disappointments, unexpected events and intense resistance even in the first days of this season, our new beginning. The Lord is using this time to bring to our attention the forgotten incidents that have had a ripple effect or a consequence in our lives. In His goodness and His mercy, He desires to show us events in our life, we have forgotten – thinking they are such small things. These events produce some of the current waves, or ripples we experience as we look for new things. When past events are taken to the cross they may not have an immediate effect on our today, but they may on our tomorrows. We may have unknowingly thrown many pebbles into our lives, but we know that when our Rock – Jesus Christ comes into our life there are continual effects bringing a new beginning along with our destiny. We indeed cross over into new beginnings, doors are unlocked, gates are opening and all of the other promised things, but some of the ripples that seem to be never ending from the past may distract us. We are not to lose heart and become weary in well doing. All things are working together for our good, as we are the called of the Lord. It just may not look like or feel like what we have anticipated. God is answering our prayers, but we must not lose sight that sometime our answerers are delayed, as there is not yet a breakthrough. God gives us the authority to decree His purpose in the earth. The first new beginning we will step into is a new way of talking resulting in a new gait, a new way of walking. Yes, there are opposing forces at the gates, but greater is He that is in me than he who thinks he holds the hinge or latch on the gate. We have, are and will overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and by the Word of our Testimony. This is season to position ourselves to see what the Lord would say. There is an appointed time for everything and there is a time for every event under heaven. Ecclesiastes .3:1
We experience times and seasons according to the purposes of the Lord; in the Atlanta area we have a specific time known as “pollen season”. It’s everywhere, a thick coating. Some days bring us a fresh rain, which washes away the coating of yellow. Following the rain there is a residue where the rain causes puddles. Future rains will settle the additional pollen until the season is over and we will have long forgotten our temporary frustration and inconvenience with the heavy coating and blowing pollen. Later seasons of fruitfulness and harvest depend on pollen season. There are times in the natural that we are negatively affected by what seem to be a heavy coating, we are discouraged, feeling weighty and looking for this season of heaviness to be over. We long for a fresh rain to wash away the depression and discouragement, which so easily can come when we’re expecting one thing and it seems the opposite, is occurring. It is during this time that our enemy comes to bring fear that this is the way it is and is going to be. Nothing’s really going to change, not for you at least. You might as well just settle in and get comfortable. Forget it; you didn’t hear what you though you heard, etc… (sound familiar) God in His faithfulness sends a refreshing, but there is still a residue remaining. It’s during this time the enemy seeks to bring us into a place of overwhelm. There are times when you’ve done all you just stand and preserve. We may feel momentarily refreshed, but it’s seems as though it’s hard to shake off all the residue. We are to know that just as in the natural during pollen season there is a plan and there is a purpose at work for our good. This is a season of preparation for fruitfulness and the harvest. We can know that whatever we feel or the enemy has brought our way that as we are faithful to cry out to the Lord, pressing into Him for more – He is faithful. He sends the fresh rain that may not look like what we have been expecting, but it is indeed bringing the fresh reign that we’ve so longed for. It may not appear as what we’ve envisioned and there may be some residue remaining, but we are to keep pressing toward that promised new season. We will enter into fruitfulness and a harvest that has been born out of a season of hindrance and inconvenience. We find our self at a new level of trust. We can trust knowing the Lord has our times and seasons in His hand. He knows our end all the way to the beginning. The enemy tries to convince us that he’s in charge of our times, but God is at work to bring His fresh reign into our lives moving us from one place of faith to that increase of faith where we find ourselves at another level. Our circumstances may come and go, but we can know that the Word of the Lord abides forever. In the Atlanta area we’ve been in a Class 4 Drought and the pollen season was excessively heavy (or so it seemed at the time) but there is an abundant harvest coming because we’ve had an increase of fresh rains. The discouragement has been excessive, but there is a great harvest season in store for us. We may not know what to expect or have details, but we know there is a season coming. As I was out walking this morning I heard the wind in the trees and the phrase – the horses are running – can you hear them?
David had already defeated the Philistines and named the place of his breakthrough. Then David inquired of the LORD, saying, “Shall I go up against the Philistines? Wilt Thou give them into my hand?” And the LORD said to David, “Go up, for I will certainly give the Philistines into your hand.” So David came to Baal-perazim, and defeated them there; and he said, “The LORD has broken through my enemies before me like the breakthrough of waters.” Therefore he named that place Baal-perazim. 2 Samuel 5: 18-20 Yet once again he face the same enemy, the giants he had previously defeated were before him, on his horizon. He enquired of the Lord and was to wait until he hear the sound in the tops of the trees then he was to go at the Lord’s command. He was not to go against the enemy the same way he had previously defeated him, as he was to do something new. We are facing many of the enemies we have previously defeated, but the Lord desires to bring a final victory that we might have peace in the place of His calling. Sometimes have to face the same enemy, but in a new way and the timing of the final defeat is the key to moving into a place of lasting peace. We are to move forward only at the Lord’s command. If we move to soon things will not have been prepared and if we wait too long the moment of victory may have passed. Now the Philistines came up once again and spread themselves out in the valley of Rephaim. And when David inquired of the LORD, He said, “You shall not go directly up; circle around behind them and come at them in front of the balsam trees.” 2 Samuel 5: 22-24 In October, I saw the following: There were armies of horsemen lined up; coming into order beginning to face the same, direction and many being reposition to be aligned with those on either side for effectiveness. In times past, He has passed before the troops inspecting and bringing order. The troops are trained; readied for a pass and review. They will pass before the Lord and all eyes will be on Him. He is now releasing and sending forth. In His positioning, many are released into that He has prepared, trained and equipped to do; building and establishing His Kingdom as we co-labor with Him. He’s releasing His Spirit of Might. It’s not by power and not by might, but by His Spirit, as it is the power of His might emerging. The closer we draw to Him the more understanding we will have of His Spirit of Might. Suddenly God will establish His promises as He is restoring lost dreams, visions and promises; dreams are being brought to remembrance, times of renewed vision. We’ve been waiting for a sound, the sound of Him moving in the earth. Blow a trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm on My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the day of the LORD is coming; surely it is near, Joel 2:1 Do you sense the swirling or a stirring in the heavens? While it is yet dark, you know, you sense and you feel the effects, but since the sun has not risen you don’t have the ability to see. You are to keep pressing upward towards Me, as I am arising in your midst. When I arise, there will be light to see that which has been stirring; soon you will have tangible evidence of what you’ve been hearing and sensing. You are to stand in faith believing for those promises. You are to stand in what appears to be the dark places waiting for My light to make entrance, to unfold and as it does your anticipation will give way to action, but it will be at My direction and timing. You are to wait in faith looking forward and keeping watch to see what I would say. It may appear nothing is happening but I am arranging and preparing behind the scenes. I am speaking in a still small voice, but I am also speaking in all things that surround you. Your cry is – open my eyes Lord that I might see what you’re saying – open my ears that I might hear your word and the sound of your preparation. This is a season to have your spiritual senses expanded. You are not only to have eyes to see and ears to hear, but you are to have understanding. I am not only giving you understanding during this season, but I am working to give you wisdom. The sons of Issachar not only knew the times and seasons of their God, but they knew what was to be done. You have the ability to see and hear, but are transitioning into a season where you will know the timing of what you should do. You are not to run ahead of Me, but to wait on My timing, wait on my sound so that you can move when I move, rest when I say to rest and wait when I say wait. You are in the transition place of ceasing from your labors and entering into My rest, which is co-laboring with Me, as I build My house, My tabernacle, My dwelling within you to bring forth My purposes in your lives and in the earth. White puffy clouds were moving against a clear bright blue sky. Standing beside a very large oak roll top desk with the top rolled up and the cubbyholes were exposed. Many of the spaces contained white envelopes, some were empty, but none of the spaces were completely full. The Lord began to rearrange the envelopes. Many of the spaces, which had been previously empty, became full. There was a lot of movement, shifting and rearranging.
White clouds – righteousness Clouds moving – wind blowing, movement – a move of the Holy Spirit Bright blue sky – abundance of revelation Oak roll top desk – oaks of righteousness – place of work, calling Opened – revealing of things hidden, ministries, gifting, calling Rearranging – connecting, realigning according to His choice The season is changing and I am realigning and connecting those in which I am establishing My Kingdom. Many things are not as though they seem. Look unto Me and be as one planted by My River of Living Water. It is a time to stand strong in the place of your planting during the winds of change, for I am building My house according to My plan. I am bringing forth righteousness and revelation that you have not seen before. I am opening doors, releasing those I have prepared into a greater measure of the fullness of My calling and anointing. Those who have felt disconnected, out of place and even hidden away – know I am bringing an order to My house, which is bringing you into alignment with My plans. |
AuthorLinda was born in the mountains of Colorado she discovered her gifts and abilities, she developed a passion for others, to know their gifts and abilities. She is constantly seeking clarity in her own life and realized it is something that she can give away to others. Archives
March 2021
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